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Mastery is a Choice

At every stage of life we choose our path. The famous poet Neil Peart wrote "if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"....

Convert Choices into Achievements

Photography is a great past time. It takes you places, causes you to deeply observe what is happening, even during a pandemic. In...

Help Me Decide, Please.

Of all the vexing challenges we face, deciding what and how to decide is among the worst. Think about it. Chicken or fish? Yes or no? How...

Normal is a Mindset

Every generation has adapted, always. Now we all need to do it together. Centuries ago, no one could have imagined a wall that followed...

Now is When to Start Your Black Belt

You're kidding, right? Near the peak of a pandemic I am recommending you start your journey to get a black belt? Yup. How does that make...

Power of Sharing

Several months ago I was asked to support a cause I believe in deeply - workplace safety. I said yes and gladly delivered a session to a...

VUCA: Solutions for Today’s Most Pressing Issue.

Covid-19 has challenged everyone, everywhere. It is a perfect example of VUCA. If you haven’t heard the term VUCA, you know it and feel...

Is the Future Virtual?

Today, the global consulting company McKinsey published an compelling article called "Re-imagining the postpandemic workforce". Their...

Resilient is the New Black

Watch, read or listen and everywhere you hear of CEO’s and other senior leaders learning to meditate, become more “present” and...

Blog: Blog2
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